yari25’s Favorites

Full Moon
Dixie Carnley Full Moon
  • Fantasy
  • English
  • 5721 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 1593
  • 99

Arkanna is a shapeshifting princess stuck in the middle of a seemingly never ending war. Can love even begin to survive.

Keywords: horses, romance, love, shapshifters, panthers

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bleeding heart (on hold sos)
strabberyshortcake2 bleeding heart (on hold sos)
  • Fantasy
  • English
  • 4446 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 1022
  • 74

previously blood wine but changed the title

Charlie is a girl who has always wanted a normal life, but that is almost impossible when your a vampire. but she wasn't always a vampire. up until she was twelve she was human, or at least that's what she thought.

been the... Read more...

Keywords: vampirez, vampire, vampires, vamp, vamps, vampz, werewolf, bloodlust, blood lust, werewolfs, werewolve, werewolves, element, elemental, elements, elementals, witch, witches, [more]

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Blood Moon
Dixie Carnley Blood Moon

Can Aiyana marry the enemy to stop a war?

  • Fantasy
  • English
  • 2774 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 1945
  • 103

A war has plagued Aiyana since she was born, and no one knows how it even started. Now she wants it stopped, and there is only on true possible way to do this without more bloodshed. Can Aiyana marry the terrifying, incredibly handsome Prince Kaige to stop the war?

Keywords: vampires, werewolves, magic, night, war, blood, death, hatred, sadness, love, romance

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Dawn of a Second Life
Kathrayne Dawn of a Second Life
  • Fantasy
  • English
  • 8569 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 1762
  • 117

This universe is full of things humans do not know, different realms filled with the strange and unknown, what those in the realm of humans call fictional and supernatural. This novel follows Emerald's story as she finds her destiny through war, bloodshed, and love.

Keywords: dragons, elements, war, loss, princess, warriors, destiny, fighting, fire, earth, darkness

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Meeting the Night
Ash Knight Meeting the Night
  • Fiction
  • English
  • 8633 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 1991
  • 122

Bree hates her home town, but when her parents die and leave her in the custody of her only living brother, who just happens to live in her home town, she is forced to return. What she doesn't excpect to find in her home town is a new family, and definatly not... Read more...

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Faith and Hope
KRB Faith and Hope
  • Fiction
  • English
  • 5383 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 1337
  • 72

Faith has always been a special little girl. She was born a slayer and has been trained since she was really little to do great things. The day she turns 18 she begins to understand why she was trained so hard. In the days to come she will find forbidden love, weird... Read more...

Keywords: Romance, adventure, magic, vampires, werewolves, slayers, adventure

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L'Anima Ladro
InkWeaver L'Anima Ladro

The Soul Theif

  • Fantasy
  • English
  • 17126 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 1469
  • 65

Nikhil Wolfbane, known as Nikki Bane in the human world, is a Half-Breed. She is as pitiless as her natures make her. Her kind of boyfriend, Romeo Anima, is a gargoye, soul thief. He is truely heartless...to everyone but her. Follow them on their strange journey,... Read more...

Keywords: Werewolf, Vampire, Half-Blood, Gargoyle

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Heather Parsons Shadow-Land

The Night Secrets Series

  • Fiction
  • English
  • 113868 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 1752
  • 67

Losing both her parents to a senseless crime, Sierra Michaels escapes to the only place she believes can save her life. Only problem is the nightmares that caused the pain have resurfaced. Shadows formed in her world of light....

Keywords: friendships, love, demons, vampires, faries

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Pack Gems
Kuro Kusai, WhiteWolf Aura Pack Gems
  • Fantasy
  • English
  • 79586 Words
  • Ages 12 and up
  • 27728
  • 664

Taylor and Kaden fight fang and claw to keep their freedom--Not an easy task when you and your best friend are rogue female Werewolves coveted by any pack that catches their unclaimed scent. Their freedom streak may come to an end soon when they unknowingly walk into the... Read more...

Keywords: Werewolf, Werewolves, Wolf, Pack, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Shapeshifter, shifter

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Come Back To Me (chapters 1-9)
Paige569 Come Back To Me (chapters 1-9)
  • Fiction
  • English
  • 16884 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 4917
  • 295

Kate or little Kate as her best friend Dylan likes to call her has been in love her entire life. Yes, she is one of those girls who has never acted out on it and is about to pay the consequences. A story about love, heart ache and friendship that will capture your heart... Read more...

Keywords: romance LittleKate treehouse love longing Dylan Jared friends heartache

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