xxaustinxxclarexx’ Favorites
2nd- Halfway There
- Fantasy
- English
- 6091 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1940
- 115
Blood escaped Ashes' clutches with Triscon at her side. Thinking it'd be best. But somehow she ends up fighting for her life and getting saved by strangers. Meanwhile Triscon is off with another vampire she might not be able to trust. Is she really that safe?
Keywords: vampire, drama, blood, fight, death, confusion
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the top killers
- Fiction
- English
- 16876 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 2050
- 87
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The Vampire Love Story
- Fantasy
- English
- 1272 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 937
- 18
Human (Brooke Card) and vampire (Bruno Warner) meet at a county fair. The two youngsters fall in love...Before Brooke finds out Bruno's secret...
Keywords: vampires, fantasy, love story.
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In Bellas diary mode
- Fantasy
- English
- 647 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1569
- 35
Meet Bella a girl with questions and no answers until she discovers Edward a vampire which is her true love and protector against all enemies, In this heart -pounding story Bella has to fight for her life with her vampire love and his vampire family but she is yet to... Read more...
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A Twilight Fan Fiction
- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 8255 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1077
- 39
Jane of the Volturi questions the path she has taken. (Note- This is after all of the books written)
Keywords: Jane, Twilight Saga
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- Fantasy
- English
- 3160 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1533
- 53
it is based on twilight by stephenie meyer but in this one victoria bites bella.
Keywords: newborn, army, volturi
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twi comic
- Fantasy
- English
- 2 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 7819
- 90
twilight comic with bella and edward
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thank you Stephenie Myer you are awsome
- Fantasy
- English
- 557 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1640
- 49
This takes place after "Breaking dawn" i love it and hope u will to. It takes place in general life after what went on. They learn more about Renesmee every day they face more danger as they realize bella is more special then they though.
Keywords: twilight
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all is fare in love and war
- Fantasy
- English
- 2093 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1395
- 63
Amber is turned into a reaper after commiting suiced. she is sent out to kill certain people, what happens to her love life? what happens when she sees her mother's murderer?
The reapers had 5 main rules
1.don’t fall in love. 2.don’t talk to humans 3.don’t get... Read more...
Keywords: sad, love, reaper, angel romance, murder, mistery, interesting
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