Im back and ready to face all my books with a much needed update
ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm rewriting Beauty and the Wild Beast and fixing it up. I will also be finishing chapter five for Red Moon Horizon since i been recovering from what's been going on that will not discuss. After I fix and work on these two stories i will update everyone about what's going on. So sorry to all that have favorited the book and to all that's read it.
I'm sorry i've been gone for a while I've been doing modeling, getting my promo code set up, gaming with some friends while also dealing with family. Chapter 5 Vision's will be out today. So stay tuned for my big post about the book update. Love CandySkull
Chapter 4 is out. Exams and school are out so i will most likely work to keep up the work for all thats readying Red Moon Horzion.
Chapter 3 is out also I know i'm behind on the chapters. Next week I have EOC from the 6th to the 9th. I will also be doing updates this summer as well so please enjoy reading.
If u were killed I wouldn't be at ur funeral.... I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed u. We are true friends. We ride together we die together. Send this to everybody u care about, including me if u care... See how many times u get this. I want u to know u are an amazing friend till by death and forever. If I don't get this back, I understand. But I have a game for u. Once u read the letter u must send it to 15... Show more
Beauty and the Wild Beast has new cover and has been properly edited using some AI Writing tips.