goodlove2000 is Offline.
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You've been reported to the BookRix Administrators. Not that it was really necessary do that, since you cleverly spammed their group, too - moron.

Blocking you now.

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the last part "Moron" is the one that got me XD


If you go to the Help & Support group's page, you'll see my message about this dolt. Can't believe how idiotic some people can be. Ah, nothing like the smell of stupidity first thing in the morning..."D

Deleted User

I am good at pickng friends XD
I will look at it :D

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Not a real member, pand37 - this is a scammer/troll. Report this account to the administrators and block him/her/it before you find yourself the victim of identity theft or worse. DO NOT COMMUNICATE WITH THIS CREEP!

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