Meah B
Meah B
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Meah B


I have some good news :) and some bad news :(

The Good news that i'm finally going to update Imagical and add more chapters!!!

The Bad news that I might undo the publication date :( I don't know what to do!!

Vote yes or no should I undo the date plz :)

ok PEACE!!!!

MeahXD( Or Purple :P)

Important Post
Meah B

I want to have a book editing club, any one want to join?
You can join now, I need some members to help me out on my books.^.^
Anyone can join, just message me or comment me thanks!!! :D

Deleted User

I don't see one...

Meah B

Oops! Sorry Celeste I have it now :D come tell what you think and if want to join :D

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thanks for adding Shy Girl To Fly Girl to you faves :D
IsaBaby <3

1 Comment
Meah B

Np :)

-MeahXD :)))

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Meah B

You Also follow me on Instagram @meahme_anime_nerd that's my name

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Meah B

Ello profile readers and friends!! I'm back now and now I can edit my story for every to read!!!

Important Post
Meah B

HELP: To who may read this, I'm trying really hard to edit my books on my phone but idk how!! Would anybody help me? Thnx.

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