hey the legend is finally complete check it out because it wont be up for much longer
thanks, halima
P.S check out my facebook fan page and like it https://www.facebook.com/pages/Halima-Omar/149682901804638
I know you don't know who in the name of pie I am, so my name is Lauren Gallagher. I am the creator of Princess Romance. Please check out my profile.
I came interested in you alot, so I decided to post this (:
Thanks for staring Awakening(Midnight Academy series)!!!I just uploaded another chapter,so please check it out!!
Lima ;)
Thank you for thinking i am a good writer!! :) Now i have to ask you something...ever heard of the newsies?? i was thinking to write a book about that but...different...but itd b based on tht. tell me what you think of the idea!! thanks.
thanks sooo much for making my book one of ur favs!! tell me watcha think!! tho im only half way done. if u wanna read one of my finished books i reccomend Complicated. the summary isnt soo gud cuz i cudnt figure out a way to summarize it. hahahaha its complicated for ya. Check it out! and dont forget to tell me watcha think ;)