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ooh lol okay but are you planing to make a movie or put the book out for everyone to see how great it is cuz i have been telling people about it and i will be be happy if u can make a movie of it

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hey i wanted to know if your book vampire love in store and if you have a movies out too..

reply:are you kidding - it's not even published much less for a movie. Lol. It's only online at the moment


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you are welcome and i will go see what i can do and i love that book and am a crazy person about vampires and werewolf so if i see their book and i have something to do i will stop and ready there book or what every it was about.. thanks for writing back

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Hi there, just wanted to say thanks for the heart on My Vampire Love. This book is currently running in a contest for the best vampire book on that site (not bookrix) If you would like to vote for it click on the link below and then choose the genre Vampire. But vote only if you've enjoyed the book - no pressures. Anyway thanks for reading


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