Jordan ’s Friends

Desiree  R. Ntolo

Desiree R. Ntolo

Desiree Regina

  • English
  • 1 Book
  • 13

Ok, after writing this book, I have been travelling round the world doing my work and instructing my followers on Elyonin and Essenism. I founded the Order of the Essenes which has a few branches in Africa and America, as well as the main one in the UK, my home country. We do have a group on Facebook, THE ORDER... Read more...




  • English
  • 6 Books
  • 170

my real name is Rachael Jessica LaPort,or it will be quite soon. im engaged to be married quite soon. my little sister is and always will be my inspiration. she passed away on april 14th, 2010. she had A.L.L. cancer, which is a blood cancer. i miss her but through my writing she will always be with me.




  • English
  • 65 Books
  • 227

I'm an actress with a local theater troupe here in my home town of Logansport, a college student at our community college: Ivy Tech (studying Office Administration), writer, and artist by trade. I love to sing also and hang out with friends during my free time (Yeah right...what free time?!)

For the stories I... Read more...



  • 56 years
  • English
  • 10 Books
  • 158

ROB ASTOR Take Tangerine Dream, Spencer Nilsen, ELO, Duran Duran, Spyro Gyra, Biosphere and shake well. This is the territory of Rob Astor. Creativity is alive and well in the realms of instrumental electronic music. With each release, Rob Astor expands accepted notions of New Age, Ambient, New Wave, Power... Read more...

red doll

red doll

  • English
  • 3 Books
  • 10

Reading is at the top on my favourite "to do" things. Seeing you guys giving wonderful pieces of work well I am also tryin' to write something.



  • 25 years
  • English
  • 57

Stressed, blessed, and coffee obsessed.



  • English
  • 7 Books
  • 168

I love writing. It's something that makes me stand out in my family along with music. Everything and every day stuff inspires me to write something new. So writing is away i am going to make a change one day. 

Leo Automaton

Leo Automaton

  • 23 years
  • 8 Books
  • 44

No matter how innocent you once were, something will come and break the echos of your sanity. That's why I hide, not because I'm shy, because I don't want to completely shatter into silence.

Amanda Seaton

Amanda Seaton


  • English
  • 3
Victor Augello

Victor Augello

  • English
  • 2 Books
  • 2

I love traveling and especially experiencing new beaches and places.

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