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R︀a︀t︀e︀ ︀m︀y︀ ︀n︀а︀k︀е︀d︀ ︀p︀h︀o︀t︀o︀s︀ ︀♀︀ ︀,︀ m︀y︀ ︀b︀l︀о︀g︀ ︀↦︀ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?-vexadiem

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That's really interesting! You should do a tutorial for that computer program in the Art Writers group - I'm sure a lot of people would be interested in that.

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It's not sad that you're making the drawings yourself- I think that's a good thing!

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Alright! Lol I was throw for a loop when I saw school, different time zones can be interesting, its night time here.

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Go for an audio! and if I post something in Spanish, I'll probably post a translation as well. Let me know if you put up an audio to those poems.

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I don't speak the language so no offense taken. I might be motivated to post a poem up in Spanish now lol.

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Ah, I see. Will you post up a poem or something in your language, I guess I'm just curious to see it in print :)

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