ArtemisLykaiosNightshade’s Favorites
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Book 1: The Never Ending War
- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 420 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 425
- 2
Bartholomew S. Lushington, son of Inspector Newton C. Lushington, has been put in prison for false things along wiht his friends so they are trying to make a clean escape.
While Derlyn(Dylan) Falkner Gravel is to be wed to Marquis Julian Chiffchaff Alekzander III who is... Read more...
Keywords: steampunk, inventions, prison, war, freedom, marriages
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- Fantasy
- English
- 1867 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 385
- 2
What if your boyfriend was a star? Not a teen idol star but an actual star from the night sky. That's what Emaly's boyfriend is. On her sixteenth b-day, Damien will tell her his biggest secret.
Keywords: stars, constellation, immortality, mortal, fantasy
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- Fantasy
- English
- 3071 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 620
- 16
This is, a week after last, they are in the World of Evil Demons (a forbidden place for young vampires) and when Skyress is a full vampire and not half vampire, half demon or half human, Ventos now Skyro has to leave her until she is fully trained, Oliver and Skyress are... Read more...
Keywords: horror, vampires, demons, royals
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- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 181 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 387
- 2
Captian Jarret has surrendered to his arch enemy. He will have to give up everything dear to him, including to ones he loved most.
Lord/Captian Vincent York has now Jarret under his thumb what will he do?
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Smoke & Mist
- Fantasy
- English
- 4982 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 607
- 10
Colton’s life has never been easy. He grew up without his parents, without any idea of his ancestors. On his twenty-seventh birthday his life is turned upside down as his past and that of his family collides with his life. Colton uncovers the secrets of his family that... Read more...
Keywords: gay, fantasty, magic, time travel, love, betrayal, battles
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