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English Language Teaching
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- English
- 20214 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 17528
- 118
An educative ,informative and useful course on communicative English to develop communicative competence in English
Keywords: ELT, English Language Teaching, Communicative Competence, English as Foreign Language, Dr.Ramesh
For Free
- Education
- English
- 15047 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 6288
- 51
This book is meant for promoting learner autonomy in learning English Language through context. This need-based, educative and evocative study techniques discussed in this book can be practiced by anybody who is interested in familiarizing English Language and its usages.... Read more...
Keywords: Cognitive Development, ELT, EFL, Communicative Competence, Rajeshlane
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