TwilightSparkle1587 is Offline.


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Heyllo fellow Bookrix users! I was just wondering, does anyone on here have Wattpad? If you do, leave your username below, or privately message me your username and I will follow you. I'm looking for more followers on there and I'm trying to get more reads for my book "Odd One Out" on there too. I know some people are against self-promotion, but I think that's the first step to getting your book known. If you want to check me... Show more

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Attention everyone who is reading "Surviving the Sway Boys". Chapter 4 is complete! If I have any silent readers that have not added "Surviving the Sway Boys" to their favorites do me a HUGE favor and add the book to your favorites.


Chapter 5 is finished and published! :)


Chapter 6 is completed!


Chapter 7 is completed!


Chapter 8 is complete!

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White - I want a relationship with you
Green - I'm falling for you
Purple - I miss you
Orange - I really like you
Pink - I love you
Yellow - You're amazing
Blue - You're friendly
Grey - We need to talk more
Silver - I want to get to know you better
Red - You're awesome
Hot Pink - Let's have sex
Dark Red - Have my babies
Dark Grey - Meh
Blood Red - I want you as my slave ;)

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Blue and silver

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yellow blue silver gret

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Haley Jade

Hey. Love the profile pick:)

1 Comment

Thank you! I love your profile pic too! Have you read my book "Surviving the Sway Boys"? If not, I encourage you to give it a read, and if you like it, please add and/or comment. Thank you so much! >^.^<

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Sure! I'm always open to new friends! :)

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White - I want a relationship with you
Green - I'm falling for you
Purple - I miss you
Orange - I really like you
Pink - I love you
Yellow - You're amazing
Blue - You're friendly
Grey - We need to talk more
Silver - I want to get to know you better
Red - You're awesome
Hot Pink - Let's... Show more

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I like that plot of your book and the image you used for your book cover!

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Maybe he is you never know...he could be him and he just put a different name so he wouldn't be spammed with fan messages...How do YOU know it's not him...hmm?

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Because that's a actors pic
I am not him


I wanna marry you

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hi. how are you? mlp is so good.

35 Comments | Show Earlier Comments

hey awesomeness.


Hi bestie! Where you been???


White - I want a relationship with you
Green - I'm falling for you
Purple - I miss you
Orange - I really like you
Pink - I love you
Yellow - You're amazing
Blue - You're friendly
Grey - We need to talk more
Silver - I want to get to know you better
Red - You're awesome
Hot Pink - Let's... Show more

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Deleted User

READ ON OR DIE TONIGHT AT 10:35 P.M 9 years ago a person named Jerry got dared to sleep in a house that was believed haunted. The next day his friends waited for him outside the house...... They had to go inside and search for him. They went through every room exept the attic. He wasn't supposed to sleep there. He was supposed to sleep in the living room they went to the attic
. They saw Jerry's corpse and they just left... Show more

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Deleted User

lol totaly fake :l

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