"WHO? - a global poem"
The AAVP is a network
of African HIV vaccine stakeholders,
committed to HIV vaccine development
for Africa,
through research,
and contribution to capacity strengthening
and policy development
You ask about uniqueness? WHO?
Developing advocacy strategies
& communication tools on HIV vaccines
specifically tailored
for African communities
Networking people and institutions
on HIV... Show more
falling asleep with your name on my lips
with one name in my brain
the only way we can talk
My sofa is twice me
I'm sleeping two times longer
I did too much penne
- double portion,
cooking my binary code.
Traffic, motion, noise and smog
Mailbox of demands
Telephones, distortion, blogs,
5 minutes for plans
Coffee, WHERE IS THE COFFEE, damn!
Sorry man, I'm just trying to be assertive (ASShole!)
Stop yelling, k? And the sun goes down
behind my cave's curtain.
There is a plane landing at 1 am
I'm standing with a cup of tea watching
It is too cold to take on... I think
waiting for my passengers.
Soon they appear,
outside wind blows... Show more
Watching Windows Wall
Walking Wondering Waiting
Writing Word „Whatever”
Wasting Washing Waking
Worldwide Winter Weather
Cats and dogs
Frogs just... fall in pond while kissing frogs
Lips cut with a crown's cruel tooth
Salty taste of truth
I call it strangeship, a strange fruit
Hanging on a strange tree of paradise youth
It used to be main ship - this strange, sinking boat
this is what happens when u miss
a frog
Ok, so how to end sth neverending? Cut off? How to forget unforgetable? Erase? Wideorozmowy are dead since there is nobody to talk with. To think about. So, Dog, I'm just slowly using my knife, like surgeon, to destroy all the cancered pieces of mind. Trying not to hurt healthy, working parts. It hurts so much to become a vegetable. Club, can you just bark a little bit, frighten this cat and make him too scared to piss on my... Show more
- BANG BANG BANG! Second! - said Clubfooted Dog
So, today a new hero appeared. It's not so called Felix - The Neighbour Cat, but... now you know who. it's a bit crowdy in my flat this evening. me and those crazy animals. One more beer please! And no more shooting! K?
yeah! now i don't have to think how to create "writers' myspace". So, focus on writing.