≈♥Angelique†≈’s Friends
- English
- 3 Books
- 39
My Name Is Dannielle...... I love to read, write and sing. I enjoy reading romance novels and also writing them
Marie-Luise Lomberg
- German
- 14 Books
- 5924
• Leide an Klugscheißerallergie ! • Kommentarlose Freundschaftsanfragen ignoriere ich ! • Bin normalerweise ein umgänglicher Mensch, es sei denn jemand vergisst seine gute Kinderstube ;)
- 26 years
- English
names jeremy and im 15 and i love rock and like some rap like the old stuff that actually has meaning some of my friends think im insane and its quite posible
George Stanchion
- 52 years
- English
- 1 Book
Hello, everyone! My name is Gigi and I'm from Romania. I like to read and, for some time, I've discovered my inclination towards writing. I don't know if I have any talent in this area and your opinion will be precious for me. I wish you all the best!
- English
- 2 Books
- 12
While you are here why don't you check out one of my books!!! Full name is Katherine Age 19 was evicted from the whom on Oct. 28t Taken Thanks for visting.... You have come to an end of my about me thank you I see someone cares. Love you keep on being you okay? FEEL FREE TO DM I WILL TRY MY BEST TO RESPOND ASAP
- German
- 2 Books
- 51
Hallo an alle da draußen, die das lesen! :) Schön, dass ihr auf mein Profil gefunden habt! Ich lese v.a. Bücher aus den Genres Humor und Romantik, bin aber für alles offen. Ich freue mich waaahnsinnig über jeden einzelnen Leser sowie über Kommentare und Kritik! ;) Eure Erdbeer.Blume! :) "Manchmal weiß man den... Read more...