tina2010’s Groups

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The Reading List

The Reading List

  • 1,228 Member
  • 1,960 Post
  • Public Group

Advertise Here! Wanted – New or old books, poems, contest entries, and readers looking for new material. Do you have a blog or author webpage you would like to advertise? Join us here at the Reading List where all promotion, suggestions or inquiries are welcome.

Latest Post: January 21, 2021, 10:08am

Desire to Inspire for Christ

Desire to Inspire for Christ

  • 174 Members
  • 133 Posts
  • Public Group

A place to swap stories about anything true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. A place to be a Christian and spread the Gospel. A place to share books that will help,encourage and inspire others.

Latest Post: November 04, 2020, 4:48am

Children's Authors

Children's Authors

  • 158 Members
  • 112 Posts
  • Public Group

Children's writers come join us! This is a group for beginning as well as advanced writers. Writing for kids can be challenging. Let's make this a place where we can bounce ideas and stories off each other.

Only books that are ages born to twelve years are to be posted. I will remove any that are for an older audience.

Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 9:31pm

Into the Darkness

Into the Darkness

  • 908 Members
  • 407 Posts
  • Public Group

Horror writing covers a lot of ground, and all are welcome. Whether you incorporate the supernatural into your fiction, or rely on earthly atrocities, come on in and share your work and thoughts on the genre.

Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 5:15pm

BookRix Poet Society

BookRix Poet Society

  • 208 Members
  • 150 Posts
  • Public Group

There are an estimated 6,703 languages in the world and each language has scores, if not hundreds, of poetic traditions that have emerged over the centuries. Poetry is the only unique literary medium that gives meaning to our most dearest, spontaneous and otherwise inexpressible thought through a carefully balanc... Read more...

Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 12:02pm

Elite Editing for Writers

Elite Editing for Writers

  • 339 Members
  • 129 Posts
  • Public Group

A final edit is often all that stands in the way of getting your work published. This group is for those who want to discuss all things editorial—from grammar, punctuation, and syntax to organization, tone, and voice. For more information, go to www.EliteEditing.com/default2.aspx.

Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 12:17pm

Writing Contests on BookRix.com

Writing Contests on BookRix.com

  • 2,574 Members
  • 1,866 Post
  • Public Group

Join this group if you are interested in knowing more about BookRix’s writing contests. We will use this group to promote our contests, winners and news, In addition, BookRix group contests will also be held here. Here you can ask or answer questions about the BookRix contests, promote your contest books and read... Read more...

Latest Post: October 07, 2019, 9:20am

Better Writers

Better Writers

  • 1,528 Member
  • 1,024 Post
  • Public Group

BetterWriters is the group to join if you want to discuss improving your writing skills with like-minded individuals. From grammar and punctuation, to plot structures, character development, dialogue pacing, book titles, writing blurbs and many more subjects that you may use for developing your craft.

Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 8:07am

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