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Hi Olivia, just wanted to let you know about a group my friend recently made. It's called poetry challenges, if you're into poetry, or if you know anyone who is into it, could you let them know about the group?

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If you didn't know, voting for the Drabble contest is going on right now until July 31st. I have two entries, "Resting Spot" and "Vigilante" that I think you'll enjoy. Check them out and thanks for your interest ahead of time!

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Thanks for the heart and I can't write more, its an entry for a contest and I have to keep it to under 3,000 words. I might write another story, maybe about how they met and how it ends later on. I might make it a series, but I'm not sure yet.

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u have a really pretty background :) thanks 4 the friend request :)

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