Aquilla is Offline.
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I'm not very active on here, anymore. My life has been busy, it's constantly busy, which is good. That's how life is supposed to be, right? Anyway, I don't write much, now. I've taken up photography. Eventually I'll post a website link for my pictures, but until I have actually made a website, that's going to have to wait. There's not much to update you all on, right now. I'm still trying to get things figured out.

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Deleted User

Good for you.

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Um... I posted something on here about a year ago. I was requesting prayer for my mom's friend. A friend who was like a mother to me. ... On December 31, 2015, she went home to be with the Lord. I didn't want to see her leave, but... When I went over to her house that afternoon I saw the state that she was in and just couldn't bare it. I hated seeing her in so much pain. She was unresponsive... I remember telling my self that... Show more


So sad


That it is. I still find myself thinking that we should go see her, but... You know. We can't. That option is no longer available to us...


Wil! U pray with me on something


Sure, what's up?


Hi again

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Life is a series of ups and downs, and when we've been knocked down by that storm, where ever and whatever it is, we need to learn to pick ourselves back up; to find the courage and strength in the Lord when we have none, and we need to find this quickly and get back up quickly just in time to see a new storm on its way, so that we might be able to prepare for it a little better than the last one.

Deleted User

I am agree with this

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We need to talk


....... Is everything okay....? Did I do something wrong...?


Sort of, it depends. Who is Evani?


...I don't know...? And sorry for just now getting back to you. I've been extremely busy.

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Deleted User

Hello ^.^

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LoL, not really.....Im not a people person.....ik for a fact it will be so pact in the house.......v.v locking myself in my room.


Even better! I don't blame you!

Deleted User


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The jerk who have been a royal pain here is back under the name JackSon. Don't reply to him...block him if you must.


Oh gosh golly, thank you so much for letting me know, Mr. Laz! I saw that post and almost suspected that, but pushed aside the thought thinking that it might just be me over thinking!


I blocked him...and keeping silent. Idiots hate


Ain't that the truth! Aight, I'll keep quiet. Thank you, again!

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Deleted User

Hey, I think that you said that God Protected you from your father am I right?

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Deleted User

Btw, it was joke!

You don't have feeling of humor...!

(So far I don't want to end up in jail for killing citizen)

So lazurus if you going to insult me... continue but please let be somewhere else... what here you are doing is teaching 12 years old to insult... what kind of parent are you!?

Deleted User

Sorry for commenting on this even though you all probably don't know me, it just came on my feed and I can't just sit there while watching.

First off, Mr. Freeman, if that's a joke then you have horrible humor, it seemed to me that you have chickened out when you heard about the... Show more


Thank you, um, I really don't want to call you useless, could I call you UL instead?

@Freeman. I am 17, I am not 12, and Mark Henzler is a Young Marine friend of mine who is sticking up for me. Us Young Marines stick together. Btw, I'm a girl, not a boy. Hence why I sign my... Show more

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Chapter 2 of Abomination is up if you'd like to see it. ')


Awesome, I'll have to take a look at it this weekend, thank you!


You're welcome! ')

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I hope you don't mind, but I reported FreeMan to the administrator of The Coffee Shop - his last group of comments were way over the line and included what sounded to me like threats aimed at you, and possibly the rest of us. I don't know if you got a chance to see them, but Sereni read and deleted those last few, which is why they're gone.

Let's pray he gets the hint and doesn't do this to someone else's thread. Geez.


Oh my, that's quite a few that were deleted! I was unable to see them. I've been at school all day doing school. I don't do other stuff on the internet while I'm there unless I'm completely done with all my work, and even then, this is like one of the only sites I'll dare go on... Show more


I'm just glad the comments were removed before you had to deal with their ugliness. ')

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