tasrubabu’s Favorites

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Falling in Love with a Vampire(Working on a chapter everyday)
Nacomy Aracena Falling in Love with a Vampire(Working on a chapter everyday)

Can vampire love really last forever?

  • Romance
  • English
  • 5096 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 1092
  • 25

"Takato?"I say as tears pool up in my eyes. Haku was looking at him madly.Takato turns around from kissing the another girl.My heart was aching."Nacomy..it's..not what it seems."He says and reaches for me.Somethings break inside the near by apartment as i fist my hands.He... Read more...

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Waiting for you
Nacomy Aracena Waiting for you

Will you come back?

  • Romance
  • English
  • 1 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 460
  • 5

"Um..hello?"A tall darked haired boy tells me.I look at him."Hello."Then i look back to the gate.Waiting for him.Joshua.My true love or at least he was."Why do u keep looking at the gate?Are yo waiting for someone?"I look at him with sadness in my eyes.""yea..I am..but... Read more...

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