Dakota’s Friends
☯ Faylinn ☯
- 26 years
- English
♡ Hold My Hand, You Muppet. ♡ Taken He's My Baby! His little whispers, "Love me, love meThat's all I ask forLove me, love me."He battered his tiny fists to feel somethingWondered what it's like to touch and feel something.
- English
- 2 Books
- 9
I am a 13 year old brony and if anyone says they hate mlp i will... never mind. I like mlp dragonball z legend of zelda attack on titan pokemon digimon blue exercist suprcalifragilisticexpialadoushous friends greenday braingames going deep and paper mario THE HUNGER GAMES ARE THE BEST BOOK SERIES I READ SO... Read more...
Jessica Gomes
- 31 years
- English
I my name is Jessica. I'm 20. Yeah I'm old jk! But hey live life to the fullest!
- 25 years
- English
- 3 Books
- 5
i am a girl that LOVES *animal *firework *friends *family *computers *monkey * I LOVE almost ANYTHING
- English
- 2 Books
- 494
Gosh. Time has literally slipped by. I remember I joined this site when I was a young teen wanting to make friends and read books. Bookrix inspired me to write books and I became addicted to this site. However there was a time when this place actually became so toxic that I was glad I got away. Of course you... Read more...
- English
- 1 Book
- 8
hi, bye. the weeknd, atl, halsey, bea miller, n.h, h.s, m.c, l.h sushi, rain, + winter
- English
- 4
Mark grew up on the "wild side of things" from project housing, to no housing at all lol. he has seen it all in the streets and heard even more. Mark presents a different style of writing with the non-stop action and drama that readers fantasize about, blinded thought is a example of great writing where mark... Read more...