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susanoa57, hi, I am damicosr, my name is David. I was browsing the bookrix site and saw your note. The problems you say you have talking are not manifested in your writing. You write beautifully. I would like to be your friend if you would accept me. I am looking forward to reading some of your writings. I don't have my own computer yet, so it may be awhile before I can.
I also love writing poetry, but I spend most of my... Show more

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Poetry has been my best friend. It has kept me sane over the years and has allowed me to express myself when I had no way of telling anyone what I was thinking. As the years have gone by I have not written as much poetry as I would have liked to. I have put other things ahead of my poetry writing. I have also noticed I write in spurts. I can turn out 2 or 3 poems at a time and than I may go for months without a single poem. I... Show more

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