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I would like to give you a look at my first eBook that has done the step from a german book, to the english version. It´s now available on

The title is "The Curse - Touch of eternity" and it is for FREE till sunday!!

I would be happy, if you would have a look on the reading sample with the... Show more

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Hey there ya'll :) Just wanted to give you the heads up that "Broken Road' has been updated with a new chapter and as sad as it end there are only four chapters left to the book! Then it will bee edited and posted on amazon for sale as an ebook, so if ya love you should get a copy *wink* *wink*

Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and leave a comment with your thoughts. The ending chapters will be filled with action, drama,... Show more

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Hello! :)) Thought you should know that I updated Pieces that Fits.. Go check it out if you have time. thank you. :)

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Thank you for the heart on my book. I'm glad you liked it

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Thank you for the heart on my book

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Just dropping by to say that Renesmee has been updated.
Hope you'll run by and read it.
Merry Late Christmas! :)


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