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Julia Bradley

Hey I read your book LESS THAN PERFECT and LOVED it is there a sequel and are you going to write a sequel if there is not one.

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Hello, I am DeYtH
and I am glad to have you as a friend!

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I hope u finish Never Let Go soon!! I'm dying to read this sequel!!

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Hello! I've just created this account because I want to improve my english here. I saw some pages of your books and they're awesome, but there's a problem...I can't read the book when I click on the triangle to continue with the page :( So when I try to read, I just can read some pages because I use the line which is in the down part of the book. I'd be really thankful if you help me. Thank you very much! Greetings from Peru!!!

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Hey there, I am about to start reading your book Less than Perfect. So excited, everyone has great comments. Keep doing what your doing. By the way I am reading all the way in a lil country in Central America name BELIZE. Greeting:)

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Why hello! I am so excited to hear that! Like, you have no idea how much that means to me. x) Aw, well, I really really hope you like it! Thank you! I shall try. Aw, that's neat! Greetings to you! :))


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I just wanted to say your a GREAT writer. I love you're book Less Than Perfect and I still think you should try to get it published. I hope you continue to write Never Let Go, it's also being greatly written. :)


Aw, are you for real? You are too kind, my dear! I'm so very glad you liked it! Aw, published? WOW. Don't see why anyone would want something like THAT published, but that means an incredibly lot to me all the same! So thank you! Maybe after I re-write it I'll think about... Show more


Yes really. I'm sure many people would want that book published and I would love if that book was published because then I could have a copy for myself to read over and over again! No problem. Ok, I hope you do get it published. :)


Aw, that's seriously one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me about any of my work! Thanks so much, lovely! It means a lot to me. Like, a lot a lot. Your comment kind of made my day actually. Sooo . . . THANK YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK! :D

I wish. But anything is... Show more


No problem :D Yeah anything is possible :)

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I loved your book less than perfect and am wondering what will happen next

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Aw, I'm so glad you liked it! Unfortunately, I'm on a writing hiatus with what will happen next at the moment. There may or may not be a sequel. But if there isn't, I'll be sure to write some kind of conclusion or something! And either way, I'll let you know. Thanks so much for... Show more

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I am getting ready to read the sneak peek of Never Let Go right now :). The blurb sounds great! And yes, a soap opera, everything Skye went through is realistic, but, having just one character go through all of that is unrealistic just like a soap opera. Not to mention you went into depth with the "bad guys" that you can even sympathize with them and the audience wouldn't be upset if they got a second chance and all of a... Show more

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