Jae’s Friends
Bogumiła Czesława Olaniecka
- English
- 1 Book
Kolebka mojego Domu rodzinnego żart na zachodnim Pomorzu Polski. W Zielonej Dolinie Powiatu Stargardu-szczecinskiego, w słynnym Marianowie. Natomiast, Mieszkam w Madrycie (hiszpania). Swoje brylantowe PROSTE prawdy, umieszczam na czystych kartkach DLA Wszystkich. Wydałam Dwa Tomiki wierszy, Madryckie Kamienie... Read more...
Laura XO
- 29 years
- English
- 3 Books
- 111
UPDATE: *naughty savage mode activated* Hi! I'm here because I like to read and write. I want to try writing new stuff and try some new stuff as well. *wink* *wink* I'm into anime but more into the horror stuff. And hentai as well :)))) There's no girl in this world that have never watched hentai.
Nikki B
- English
- 1 Book
Hey im an aspiring motivated poet author entrepreneur. Mother of six, trying to find my destined purpose. Filled with positivity light and love! Have a great day!
- 16 years
- German
- 2 Books
- 7
HI! I am Nihal! I love to meet new people! If you have any questions please send me a message!
- 25 years
- English
- 1 Book
- 3
What's up, I'm a Bookrix veteran. Though I've changed my account several times since I joined this website, I've been here since 2011. Wild, right? I'm pretty chill, but I suck at upholding conversation. Side glances all of those messages of people trying to strike up a chat with me. Hmm. Yeah. Sorry about... Read more...
- German
Hi, ich bin Johanna. Ich lese gerne und bin ziemlich verrückt. Zusammen mit meiner besten Freundin Sia werde ich ein Buch auf dem Konto Bücherwürmer veröffentlichen.