Jessica Hemsworth’s Favorites
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- Art
- English
- 27 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 5282
- 35
Sketchbook for the various drawings I'm creating. Others are either historical, or something that came to mind. It takes several hours to do each.
Keywords: art, sketchbook
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- Music
- English
- 23108 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 2022
- 22
this is just a book containing english lyrics to vocaloid and anime songs. if there are any songs youd like me to add please comment below. ill add them in due time
Keywords: anime, vocaloid, singing, lyrics
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- Adventure
- English
- 6950 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 579
- 2
Come into the land of the Chicken Smoothie Island. Read about different stories and legend this island holds. Discover how each clan survives. This is Chicken Smoothie Island.
Keywords: Chicken Smoothie, Horseclan, Ratclan, Butterfly wolf clan, Dogclan, Catclan, Battle, Leader, clan, territory, justice, warrior, kits, pups, apprentice, Deputy, Medicine cat, Medicine dog
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- Adventure
- English
- 4301 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 857
- 6
It's been two years since N's departure, and Veraninia misses him. A surprising call from someone makes her friends and V herself go to Sinnoh, where they meet Caitlin, Dove, and an old friend. Seeing love and adventure in all her comrades lives, she found herself one as... Read more...
Keywords: Pokemon, Love, Romance, Touko, Vera, Veraninia, Bianca, Cheren, Caitlin, Sinnoh
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- Adventure
- English
- 1604 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 301
- 1
Years and years ago, the fallen warrior Fen nearly wiped out humankind. To aide survival, the remaining survivors devised a plan. Input human brains into androids. In the end, the world was restored, but humans could no longer feel. They had become robots. They had no... Read more...
Keywords: Twenty-Four, Days, Left, To Live, Fen, Xion, Nicholas, Clara, Darren
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- Adventure
- English
- 5292 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 426
- 5
A fantasy story starring 4 teenage girls who have their friendship tested in more ways than they can think of. They must reunite all the pieces of a soul split in three in order to save their homeland, Liaria. With one of them six feet under, how will they cope as a team?... Read more...
Keywords: Action, Fantasy, Death, love, Jessica Hemsworth, life, light, rebirth, betrayal
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The Beginning
- Fiction
- English
- 9081 Words
- Ages 10 and up
- 509
- 5
This story is about three girls who go on a journey to kill a monster that killed their parents. Along the way they find three crystals with mystical powers and found that themselves have powers also.
Keywords: Musilica, Lily, Musa, crystal, air, fire, water, Akiza, Lyla, Kizana
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from darkness, comes light
- Adventure
- English
- 2510 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 664
- 3
Sora and Riku used to trust anyone they met. But the war against Xeanorht changed them completely. When a mysterious black haired girl washes up on the beach of Destiny Islands, a new problem is beginning... Can they trust her?
Keywords: rain, Kingdom Hearts, Sora, Riku
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