sms1102’s Friends
- English
- 2 Books
- 215
I love to read! I am what some call a book worm, but thats okay! my favorite color is chrome, i love orange soda and peanut butter cookies!
WillLoveYouEndlessly (C. Joyce)
Clujel Joyce
- English
- 17 Books
- 2729
"Before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for." -The Cab
- 106 years
- English
- 29 Books
- 809
But enough about me, let's talk about the weather... and me.
- English
- 1 Book
- 5
I'm a Punk Rock Nerd. I can't live without music a great book or gaming. I love air soft and changing my hair color at least every month. Usually a different shade of pink. I'm a PINK girl, best color in the world!!! I'm probably the girliest Tom Boy you'll ever meet. I'm in love with the most amazing man that... Read more...
My friend calls me Bran if you want my full name...ask..... it's not that hard people.
- English
- 13 Books
- 328
I'm talkitive, love to party (emphasis on the love), LOVE Black Veil Brides, best band ever, and have the best friends I evern could have! My best friend in the WHOLE world is Tehya and I don't know what I would do without her. I'm usually a really nice person, but when you get on my bad side or hurt one of my... Read more...
- English
- 17 Books
- 256
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