Dear Readers:) ,
I have messaged you because you either are my friends on bookrix or you heart-ed one of my books.:) I appreciate it:D
If you haven't realize, I'm not active on bookrix anymore:( Sorry for that. Im just so fed up with bookrix because it keeps deleting my chapters and i have to start all over again. It happened the first time to Stuck in Hell. And I decided to start over and just rewrite. I almost finished the... Show more
I would like to give you a look at my first eBook that has done the step from a german book, to the english version. It´s now available on
The title is "The Curse - Touch of eternity"
I would be happy, if you would have a look on the reading sample with the look inside.
A centuries old... Show more
Hey, there! Just to let y'all know, Chapter 2 of Loving Ali is up! Thanks for all your guys' support, and I hope you enjoy it! Lemme know what you think! :)
- Shånnon Marie
Thanks so much for favouriting my book Loving Ali. I have actually finished writing it, but I'm pretty slow in finding time to type it all up on the web. I'll keep you updated everytime I manage to type some more, and I'll also let you know as soon as I begin to type my latest story, Trial by Cowboy (unless my notes/notifications would be annoying to you :P )
Thanks again soo much! :)
- Shånnon Marie
P.S. my name doesn't... Show more
Just wanted to let everyone know that chapter 7 of Crazy For Me is up! Feel free to comment and give feed back!
Thanks for all of those hearts!! XD