Michelle Tarryne
Michelle Tarryne
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Michelle Tarryne


I published my first book ever let me know what you guys think of it.

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Valerie Diestro


If its okay with you, can you please tell me your honest comment about the prologue and first chapter of Song in the Sunset An Angel's Mission.

Here is the link:

Thank you!

Song in the Sunset . An Angel's Mission https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-valerie-e-evening-diestro-song-in-the-sunset/ Shining student, Natalie Austin, hates Dave Park because of his lazy attitude. However, everything she feels about him changes when she catches him singing her favorite song while playing his gu...
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Guten Abend, Michelle Tarryne!

Danke für deine Freundschaftsanfrage.

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hi Michelle thanks for friend request, you can tell stories as well as write them. Some people are professional story tellers- they learn the stories and tell them to adults and to children . lots of us got stories from our parents, read or told so don't initially be obsessed with writing
Try reading some to younger relatives or old folks - there are stories from all over the world -its an ancient ancient thing.
jot down ideas,... Show more

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Michelle Tarryne

I love reading new books and always secretly wish that it becomes a best seller so I can say I read it first way back when no one knew the author ;)

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