skysean’s Friends
- English
- 8 Books
- 195
The Author's Eyes May Be Blind !!IMPORTANT NOTE TO READ!! If you wish for your book or set of poems to be reviewed, please post your requests on my pinboard. Please note : For books, I will read the first chapter alone, unless I am compelled to read more or if I have the time. For poems, I will read the first... Read more...
- English
- 4 Books
- 67
Don't depend on people too much these days, because even your shadow leaves you when you're in darkness
- English
- 1 Book
- 5
► play the moments▌▌pause the memories■ stop the pain◄◄ rewind the happiness
- English
- 2 Books
- 30
I am from India, a country widely known for its cultural diversity. I am currently pursuing B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering- IInd Year).
I am quite on the reserved side. Sometimes I get freaky(That is true in most of our cases!). I love making new friends. I love to read. I love to write. (Don't we have a lot... Read more...
- 106 years
- English
- 29 Books
- 809
But enough about me, let's talk about the weather... and me.
- 26 years
- English
- 3 Books
- 86
SIMPLY ME. I get lazy and bored easily, dont complete things I start and yeah, I'm wierd. Which is my best quality, by the way :P My favorite kind of literature has got to be chick lits and romance. And I'm in love with Kelly Oram and Julie James. They rock.