shivshankarsingh’s Groups

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Naughty Thoughts

Naughty Thoughts

  • 170 Members
  • 187 Posts
  • Private Group

Welcome to Naughty Thoughts where sex is free flowing so come write and talk about your deepest desires.

Latest Post: December 01, 2016, 8:30am

Writers Over 50

Writers Over 50

  • 41 Members
  • 36 Posts
  • Private Group

This is a place where authors, poets, essayists, and playwrights - and any I've left out - can share what we're doing, ask questions, and just be a group of interested/ interesting peers.

If you ARE over 50 please send your request to become a member.


Latest Post: May 03, 2013, 8:40pm

The Coffee Shop

The Coffee Shop

  • 1,288 Member
  • 5,241 Posts
  • Public Group

Writing is stressful, so why not duck into the Coffee Shop for a spot of idle banter and relaxation. Procrastination has never been so entertaining!

Latest Post: December 12, 2019, 7:36am

ebook publishing

ebook publishing

  • 142 Members
  • 112 Posts
  • Public Group

I fell in love with eBooks and eReaders. When I discovered Bookrix, it opened up the idea of publishing ebooks as opposed to pBooks. I'll start posting the resources I've accumulated so far and invite anyone else interested in eBook publishing to share their resources, ideas, advice, rants, etc.

Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 1:59pm

Namaste India

Namaste India

  • 421 Members
  • 119 Posts
  • Public Group


It gives us pleasure that our fellow Bookrix members will now have the privilege to be aware of India's age old traditions, culture, vibrant and colorful festivals, famous legends, amazing architecture and spicy cuisines. We will talk about India and its diversity. Let's make people aware of one of the ... Read more...

Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 2:14pm

BookRix Poet Society

BookRix Poet Society

  • 208 Members
  • 150 Posts
  • Public Group

There are an estimated 6,703 languages in the world and each language has scores, if not hundreds, of poetic traditions that have emerged over the centuries. Poetry is the only unique literary medium that gives meaning to our most dearest, spontaneous and otherwise inexpressible thought through a carefully balanc... Read more...

Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 12:02pm

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