Sol’s Friends
- 22 years
- English
- 7 Books
- 90
Nemophilist. Pluviophile. Melomaniac. Ambivert. ~The tiny one, with not so tiny dreams! ♥ "And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sadThe dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had ..."
- German
Ich bin hier nur Leser. Deshalb darf ich mir auch Rechtschreibfehler erlauben, wenn ich meine Kommentare schreibe. I would say I'm a real nice looking and charming guy. I'm interested in literature and I'm the elite of intelligence. And I'm shy. Ps. I love the novels from Nicolas Spar k s. But this is a secret.
- English
- 1 Book
- 2
~College Class of 2020~ I am a CHRISTIAN. Proudly so. ~ Music is my life~ I will tell you my honest opinion.~ I am a strange, nerdy, geeky, musical person.. Constructive criticism is welcomed, but please, no insulting or vulgar or negative language. Keep things appropriate. God Bless!! :)
- German
Profil zur Information von Wettbewerben der Mitglieder der KG-Gruppe, Drabble, Cover, Vampire Bücher Autoren, Philosophisches, KG-Turnier und Wortspiel.