Here food for thought for those in college getting ready for finals in a few months... The count down is on. Late night studying. Coffee that's taste older than death. Nail bitting. Cold showers to stay awake. And then enters the thought into your head... " Is college really worth it. Is all this worth me being right on the edge of involuntary suicide of the brain "... Yes it is, because when it's all over we can sleep like... Show more
Here food for thought for those in college getting ready for finals in a few months... The count down is on. Late night studying. Coffee that's taste older than death. Nail bitting. Cold showers to stay awake. And then enters the thought into your head... " Is college really worth it. Is all this worth me being right on the edge of involuntary suicide of the brain "... Yes it is, because when it's all over we can sleep like the dead for 48hrs straight then get up and do it all over again for the next exam that's going to kick us in the a**.