I've started the first draft of a new novel today, but it'll be a while before I have anything worth posting.
I also have plans to start rewriting 'The Edge of Grace' this year, when I'm not working on my new book or other projects. As soon as I have something worthwhile done, I'll take down the version of 'The Edge of Grace' I have up now and post what I have of the new version.
Thank you, everyone, for your patience.
Hi, all,
I've decided to put 'The Edge of Grace' on the shelf for a while, as I'm preoccupied with another project at the moment. However, I will work on 'The Edge of Grace' from time to time, as the inclination hits, and I will go out of my way to make sure the new version of this novel--as well as the new story--is worth the wait.
I'm retooling 'The Edge of Grace'--I read it over this summer, and I'm not happy with the way it is. For those of you who took the time to read the first part of the story and comment, I'll take all of your comments and critiques into consideration as I rewrite this book.
Also, I'm currently planning another novel, among other projects. I'll keep everyone posted on any important and/or relevant future developments.
Thank you very much, everyone! ;)