sbunny0’s Friends
- English
- 3 Books
- 217
I love Taylor Swift and almost all country music. I love writing, reading, dancing, singing, music, and playing guitar. My favourite thing to do is laugh and help others :) <3
- English
- 2 Books
- 215
I love to read! I am what some call a book worm, but thats okay! my favorite color is chrome, i love orange soda and peanut butter cookies!
- English
- 33 Books
- 1332
I love reading and writing... I like reading imaginary stuff rather than classic works. I always found writing as a good way to create your own world with your own rules. And writing fantasy is one thing that helps my imagination go wide. I stumbled on a book once and ever since I read that series. I started to... Read more...
- English
- 5 Books
- 1129
* Hi I'm Lisa * I LOVE COFFEE & FOOD; I LOVE PUPPIES, HORSES, WOLVES, UNICORNS, NINJAS, AND BATMAN * I'm quiet, fun, outgoing, and really random at times! I love to READ and WRITE!! I tend to zone out into la la land a lot and I'm so accident prone it's crazy and also I like making new friends and I get along... Read more...
- English
- 17 Books
- 256
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