sarahbear143’s Favorites
Love gone wrong...
- Drama
- English
- 3494 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 722
- 12
I was tired of this. Everything he did to me, hurt me. But I still loved him. Our love would never end. Or maybe it would. Everything he did to me, hurt me emotionally and physically. Whenever he slapped or punched me, I was too scared to fight back. Too scared to just... Read more...
Keywords: Bad Romance, Love, Fighting
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- Poetry
- English
- 1504 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 401
- 3
Poems I wrote in 2011
Keywords: poetry
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(the 1st part)
- Fiction
- English
- 94004 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 9660
- 350
Skylar Dubrinsky is not only a 17 year old hybrid caught in the midst of the vampire werewolf conflict but also must say goodbye to her past, make many decisions in the present, and look out onto a very uncertain future.
Keywords: horror vampires werewolves fiction
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- Fiction
- English
- 2 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 470
- 8
Since she was five, eighteen year old Sherry McGovern has been waiting for him to come back. He wasn’t just any guy, he was a vampire. Throughout the years he’d given her signs he was coming back for her, including an intimate kiss they shared when she was sixteen. All... Read more...
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The Birthing Hour
- Fantasy
- English
- 12253 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 2543
- 95
I was a hunter. I was a warrior. I was a fighter. I was the protector between worlds and I was the chosen leader. All of them at my command, waiting for my word, waiting for their orders…and I was standing there. Frozen by fear.
Their lives were in my hands.
And I...
Keywords: Nayeli's nightmare, my only son, level 13, books, suspense, supernatural, mystery, thriller, adventure, spiritual, angels and demons, davinci code, twilight, new moon, eclipse, breaking dawn, a walk to remember
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tale of moonbeam
- Fiction
- English
- 4631 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 694
- 11
chloe moved to Gladdysville expecting boredom but when she arrived there she thought something may have been in store for her little did she know how right she was...
at a new school she meets a boy who's one of a kind but then something strange happens and she finds... Read more...
Keywords: werewolf, love, immortality
For Free
- Fiction
- English
- 8633 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1989
- 122
Bree hates her home town, but when her parents die and leave her in the custody of her only living brother, who just happens to live in her home town, she is forced to return. What she doesn't excpect to find in her home town is a new family, and definatly not... Read more...
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When everything you ever knew is changing, how do you know what's real?
- Fantasy
- English
- 7235 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1922
- 71
Disclaimer: This is a Maximum Ride fanfic. All characters belong to the awesome James Patterson.
When Max and her family move to a new town, she thinks everything will be just like it's been for the past five years: she moves, she settles, she moves again. But when she... Read more...
For Free
- Fiction
- English
- 6859 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 50732
- 938
I wanted him to see me, to open his eyes and simply acknowledge my presence. But I knew he wouldn’t. To him, I was only a speck in the universe, a beautiful but unimportant creature. He would not see me, because right now... I was a butterfly.
(Note: this is an...
Keywords: Fiction, love, romance, butterflies, music, changing, young adults
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