sandraproto’s Friends
Ashon Thadon
- English
- 16 Books
- 325
I've been a writer since I was eleven and love to tell stories. Most of my stories dwell from real life and some from imagination. I grew up real rough but I am my own success story. Hope you enjoy the stories I tell and I definitely will enjoy reading what you have inspired.
Speculative Author
- English
- 26 Books
- 56
Speculative Fiction Authors create worlds where anything can happen, where the reader leaves just a bit of themselves behind when they return to our world. Their stories are about places beyond reality, places that could have been or might have been, if the rules of the universe were altered slightly. They write... Read more...
Jake & Kate Persy
- English
Our names are Jake and Kate Persy and we’re young, self-publishing writers. We’re a happy couple and our motto is ‘The best moment to be happy is right now’. We have a healthy, active lifestyle.We love having fun and that’s why we’ve written Codename: Chimera. It’s been an exciting experience. We wanted to write... Read more...
Glynis Rankin
- English
- 5 Books
- 238
Glynis Rankin is a Pushcart nominated writer and a self proclaimed daydreamer.
Terrex Corbin
- 39 years
- English
- 9 Books
- 35
Hi my name is Terrex Johnathan Corbin my friend call me T-Rex like the dinosaur now more about me well as you can see i have a huge imangination which is why is fitting that coming soon i will start a story called My imagination earth it will be all about my big wonderful imagination and it will be viewed from... Read more...
- English
- 64 Books
- 91
Tunisian poet, born on March 21, 1957 in Mahdia, Tunisia. He began writing in 1967. His first published text was "Something called need," a short story in the magazine Radio et Télévision (1973).