sakurahimesama’s Friends



  • English
  • 37 Books
  • 161

I like to write, I love to read, I engage in living history camps as a means of educating others to life before our time period. I have three four-legged sons (i.e. cats) and seven people I 'adopted' and who I love and respect as my 'children'.

AJ Joseph

AJ Joseph


  • English
  • 10 Books
  • 435

If You Wanna Get To Know Me We Should Start Off With This:I AM ❒ SINGLE ❒ TAKEN ✔HUNGRY​​ Lawl...I'm Haitian/Dominican and I live in the United States. I have THE BEST FRIENDS IN THE UNIVERSE and they seem to multiply each day; they don't even care that sometimes I'm crazy, weird, and dear lord help her... Read more...

Kimberly Jean

Kimberly Jean

  • 37 years
  • English

HELLO  MY FELLOW BOOKRIX PEOPLES :D   first  a little about me :D   as some of you might of noticed already... i'm a bit on the weird side :D  i love anything supernatural  and i love writing about it.  when i write mistakes are bound to happen  but i do re read what i  write and make the necessary  changes as i... Read more...

The Twister

The Twister

  • English
  • 164

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. - confucius    I'm a simple person. I just want to write and that's about it. :)

Joe Joseph

Joe Joseph

  • English

I'm a fun loving person who loves to do things differently....... I like enjoying life to its fullest...!!!



  • 26 years
  • English

I'm Funnn and I'm Full of LOVE!!! XD <3333



  • English
  • 1 Book
  • 8

hi, bye.   the weeknd, atl, halsey, bea miller, n.h, h.s, m.c, l.h sushi, rain, + winter



  • German
  • 2 Books
  • 181

Es gäbe vieles, das ich erzählen könnte. (^o^)   Bei Fragen kannst gerne auf mich zukommen. (n_n)



  • English
  • 1 Book
  • 47

ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ  hello hohohothanks for reading this... but I dont know what to say Im sorry for your disappointment... ;w;



  • 30 years
  • English

If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry.  -Emily Dickinson   I felt it shelter to Speak to you -Emily Dickinson   Beauty is not caused. it is.  -Emily Dickinson   []   I love when your lips are wet with wine and red with wicked desire... 

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