Rgabel’s Favorites

Judy Colella Strachana
  • Fantasy
  • English
  • 26318 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 7765
  • 152

They walk among us unseen, unrecognized. They look like us, speak like us, but are not us. Aliens from another planet, then? Ghosts? Inter-dimensional beings? No. Dragons.

Keywords: Darastrix, shape-shift, dragon-lore

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Lillian Talmadge Lucien
  • Short Story
  • English
  • 1346 Words
  • Ages 10 and up
  • 659
  • 16

-My entry for the Young Writer of the Year contest. A short piece on the first important influence in a persons life; a lonely child admires her reserved neighbour from afar, and remembers him as a teenager.

Keywords: Childhood, Influence, Isolation, Death

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First Impressions:
Rebecca Dawn Bowslaugh First Impressions:

Ode to the Blind Date

  • Short Story
  • English
  • 410 Words
  • Ages 12 and up
  • 819
  • 23

"He straightens his hat, then places his whiskey on the piano."

A comedic short poem/story inspired by fictional characters and first dates.

Keywords: first date, short story, humor, poem

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S. Burned

A HoN Fan Fiction

  • Fiction
  • English
  • 3201 Words
  • Ages 14 and up
  • 851
  • 23

Cassidy Shaw, the one girl you don't want to mess with. Well..that was until she got marked and had to go to the House of Night, where she's new. The only thing is that she is her mark is red, not the usual sapphire blue..and she can kind of move things with her mind.... Read more...

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The Witch in my house
Lazarus The Witch in my house
  • Fantasy
  • English
  • 2 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 488
  • 17

A young boy's biggest fear.

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Fear of the Unknown
Kellie P. Fear of the Unknown
  • Short Story
  • English
  • 429 Words
  • Ages 10 and up
  • 765
  • 31

1st Place Winner of the Biggest Fear Contest.

What dream haunts your mind every night, reminding you of that one thing that you think you know you could never overcome? What is your greatest fear?

Keywords: Really Short Story, Fiction

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Evelyn J. Steward Advance.....
  • Fiction
  • English
  • 1151 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 756
  • 1

The world changes al over but few of us see what another's life can be like. Here I have tried to rememdy that situation. Think a little further than you would normally read.

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Moving On From Mourning
Frances Ayers Moving On From Mourning

Surviving After A Suicide Death of A Loved One

  • Poetry
  • English
  • 1097 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 468
  • 24

A collection of poetry written after the suicide of my 40 year old brother,Patrick.

Keywords: Poems about Loss, Grief Poetry, Loss, Suicide Survivor, Inspirational

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Betrayed by you dad?
Me Betrayed by you dad?
  • Adventure
  • English
  • 3533 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 434
  • 2

In this book Lucky Dawg is faced with a challenge whether if he can trust the man that says is his dad or if this man only wants to be used for his power, his ability to burst into flames

Keywords: Betrayal, trust, false, fake, magic, fire

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Heartfelt Poetry
Jazz Z. Paddock Heartfelt Poetry
  • Poetry
  • English
  • 11 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 689
  • 12

This is a series of poems that I have written from my heart. They may not be cheerful, but they have a certain.... beauty to them, I believe.

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