regitmas’ Favorites
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- Fantasy
- English
- 1310 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 727
- 20
Everything changes when Diamond Reed finds something special in her closet.
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- Fantasy
- English
- 17287 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1017
- 33
Aleca had a perfect life:parents who loved her, suitors around every corner, and she was the crown princess of Abiscondus. But, when she disovers some strange creatures in the woods and that she was a wood sprite in another life she's thrust into an adventure that she... Read more...
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all is fare in love and war
- Fantasy
- English
- 2093 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1395
- 63
Amber is turned into a reaper after commiting suiced. she is sent out to kill certain people, what happens to her love life? what happens when she sees her mother's murderer?
The reapers had 5 main rules
1.don’t fall in love. 2.don’t talk to humans 3.don’t get... Read more...
Keywords: sad, love, reaper, angel romance, murder, mistery, interesting
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- Fantasy
- English
- 47506 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 4656
- 275
20 year old Nixy has just felt grief for the first time and realize's that the only way she can deal with it is to leave home and everything that reminds her of what she has lost.
What Nixy finds is a whole new perspective on the meaning of the word dead or should i say... Read more...
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- Fantasy
- English
- 8569 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1762
- 117
This universe is full of things humans do not know, different realms filled with the strange and unknown, what those in the realm of humans call fictional and supernatural. This novel follows Emerald's story as she finds her destiny through war, bloodshed, and love.
Keywords: dragons, elements, war, loss, princess, warriors, destiny, fighting, fire, earth, darkness
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~Currently Working on it~
- Fantasy
- English
- 1952 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 938
- 39
~This is my current project, I will be uploading chapters as I finish them.~ Samantha had a good life up untill about five months ago when her parents died in a car crash. She took her anger out on others and started getting in fights and got expelled from her high... Read more...
Keywords: Devil, Hell, Girl, God, Love, Kiss, Dark, Death
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- Fantasy
- English
- 6088 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 4076
- 312
Elisha gordan lives in a small town called Daleville.she is known as the bad girl in town. but when someone starts to stalk her and he confronts her what she learns about him isnt the worst part about it.
ps. if you liked my book and want to read more the other books that... Read more...
Keywords: vampire, family, forgiveness
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- Fantasy
- English
- 22200 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 3215
- 238
I know, I know another vampire book. this is about a young girl who got adopted by a vampire. everything was going well until weeks before her transformation when she finds out that not everyone is who they appear to be and now she is on the brink of a collasal decision... Read more...
Keywords: vampire
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2nd- Halfway There
- Fantasy
- English
- 6091 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1940
- 115
Blood escaped Ashes' clutches with Triscon at her side. Thinking it'd be best. But somehow she ends up fighting for her life and getting saved by strangers. Meanwhile Triscon is off with another vampire she might not be able to trust. Is she really that safe?
Keywords: vampire, drama, blood, fight, death, confusion
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1st Book- Half and Half
- Fantasy
- English
- 8388 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 4223
- 308
She was born to a human mother who was raped by a vampire. She was a hyrbid and lived with humans. Only one day did she lean towards the vampire side and it cost her dearly. She is destined for more, and this is only her first adventure. Her name is Blood, and she is endless.
Keywords: vampire, love, drama
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