rachel23’s Friends
Take a wild guess!! If u got my 1st name ur bound 2 hve got the second ;)
- 28 years
- English
- 179
So.You have finally found me, hmm? You wish to know all about the amazing thing that is I? Hmm?I shall tell you... in your dreams... o_oI go on bookrix nearly daily and my book A Twist In Tails is really the only one I am focused on completing and getting published. So yeah... I talk to all my wonderful friends... Read more...
- 24 years
- English
I do not care about your physical, gender, sexual,religious, social, national, or political orientation.My opinion will be based only on how you present yourself and treat others.
Terrex Corbin
- 39 years
- English
- 9 Books
- 35
Hi my name is Terrex Johnathan Corbin my friend call me T-Rex like the dinosaur now more about me well as you can see i have a huge imangination which is why is fitting that coming soon i will start a story called My imagination earth it will be all about my big wonderful imagination and it will be viewed from... Read more...
- English
- 17 Books
- 256
ENGLISH Customer Support for BookRix.com. Please email all inquiries to support-en@bookrix.com
- English
- 1 Book
- 491
Um... okay, I love Brenton Thwaites I love just about any book (ExCePT NONFICTION) Especially the stuff about rocks and stuff *SHUDDER* My favorite band at the moment is Of Monsters and Men (They're this amazing Indie-folk group from Iceland) My favorite songs by Of Monsters and Men is Dirty Paws and Little... Read more...