Malyzia Richardson’s Favorites

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No More Pain
Danea No More Pain

It hurts feeling this way

  • Family & Relationships
  • English
  • 6029 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 3418
  • 107

Well 15 year old tia is living a hard life and nobody knows what shes been through until one day a boy comes in her life and everything changes.

Keywords: love, romance, hurt, pain, family, relationships, rape, abuse

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Jessica Pham Escape
  • Drama
  • English
  • 4162 Words
  • Ages 10 and up
  • 1894
  • 124

An accident. That's all it took to ruin Kristen's life. Kristen and Cassie were best friends, but when they went to a party and got drunk, Kristen's perfect life came shattering down.

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 Kidnapped the Wrong Sister
Marie Kelly Kidnapped the Wrong Sister
  • Drama
  • English
  • 17593 Words
  • Ages 14 and up
  • 196519
  • 840

To stop his brother from an unsuitable marriage, Nikias Dranias holds the woman he believes to be Daryle prisoner on his island. However, it is her sister Diona that Nikias has mistakenly held, not believing her story that she too had come to stop the marriage of the two... Read more...

Keywords: Kidnapped, Romance, love, Fate

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Is He The One?
Ja'Quele Agurs Is He The One?

Or Not.

  • Drama
  • English
  • 2619 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 4077
  • 130

Jackie, a college freshmen, has been sucked into the real world. Usually in the back of the crowd with her head hung low, made friends with the popular ones. Joined many clubs and now living the College Life, she comes across a young man in the faternity life. They made a... Read more...

Keywords: african american, drama, sex, urban

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Tweety_96 ... Chanel

and Life is just starting

  • Drama
  • English
  • 12448 Words
  • Ages 16 and up
  • 25036
  • 427

A teenager who lives with her boyfriend soon learns that she becomes pregnant. With having to take responsibility and grow up faster than intended,then she soon realizes that having a kid is not easy.

Keywords: Teen, Romance, Pregnancy, Drama, urban, fiction, young adult, sex, teen fiction

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