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Contempt Light

Show a little light of contempt shade
In love of cards you hold the ace spade
Under the moon and twinkle stars cascade
Tender is the touch of caresses hand complacency

Show a little light of contempt complexity
In love to draw in depths reaching electricity
Under the moon and twinkle stars quality
Tender is the touch of caresses hand bewilderment

Show a little light of contempt obedience
In love to cradle worship... Show more

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Woman's Adorn
By Deb Harman (c) 23/5/14

In the tale of woman's adorn
of love and obeying hurt
Callice waits patiently for her
lover Mallice to return from a business trip overseas
So Callice decides she must call Mallice
just to here his sweet voice
because his voice just makes her soul melt
as they have been lover's by the telephone
for the last six months

Callice is waiting for Mallice to pick up the telephone
but it is not... Show more

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Feel It

Feel it the beautiful belief in the air
Feel it the wonderful love we do care
Feel it the journey we do compare
Feel it the excitement in the lair

A little happiness comes to share
in the light of beating rhythm
powerful hope is a guidance force
A little gift treasures to hold

Feel it the beautiful belief in the air
Feel it the wonder love we do care
Feel it the journey we do compare
Feel it the excitement in the... Show more

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Admired Nature

Nature is placid
admired by y'all
placid is nature
admired by fall
nature is beauty
admired by call
beauty is nature
admired by tall
placid is beauty
admired by y'all
nature is grace
admired by call
grace is placid
admired by fall
placid is beauty

admired by call
beauty is grace

admired by y'all
grace is beauty
admired by fall
beauty is wild
admired by call
wild is nature
admired by y'all

Admired nature is truly... Show more




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