positiverebel1’s Groups
Chattin' Corner
- 41 Members
- 26 Posts
- Public Group
This group is just for talking and chatting about anything! You can advertise (please don't spam, though), talk about characters, names, books, life, anything!
Ideas for new books and asking for help. We'll also play some fun games and have group contests! Please enjoy the group... or not. I mean, it's your life.
Latest Post: January 29, 2015, 11:31am
What's your genre?
- 91 Members
- 43 Posts
- Public Group
Would you like to categorize your books for readers to have easy access to their preferred genre?
Put your book *with cover* in the appropriate threads.
If the genre's not there, feel free to start a new one.
This is only a test, but if it takes off, I'll continue the concept.
Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 8:57am
Book Promotion
- 387 Members
- 496 Posts
- Public Group
Hello, I noticed with other groups that with their 'policies', 'rules' or whatever, that most don't really want book promotions. That confuses me, so this group is made for you to post about whatever book you want to promote. However many you want, updates on chapters and much more. Even book discussions, if you want. Enjoy.
Latest Post: July 10, 2022, 7:01am
Young Writers Who Are Indeed Young Writers.
- 113 Members
- 145 Posts
- Public Group
Do you feel unheard? Your voice fading till your left in the dark? Well then this happens to NOT be the group for you. Ha just joking. This group is about being young and having fun expressing yourself through writing. It just so happens that this group has two of the best administrators ever. Feel free to expres... Read more...
Latest Post: January 02, 2019, 11:52am
- 183 Members
- 111 Posts
- Public Group
This group is for you to post your external websites, blogs, links to books for sale and competition links where you require votes. Please see the guidelines before posting.
Latest Post: October 02, 2019, 7:10am
Keep Calm And Go Crazy YOLO!!
- 35 Members
- 21 Posts
- Public Group
This is a group where you can express yourself and tell what is on your mind. And trust me NO ONE will judge you!!! YOLO!!!
Latest Post: October 07, 2019, 8:55am
Sun2020 EN
- 29 Members
- 11 Posts
- Public Group
www.lilaquadrat.de is on the hunt for fresh meat in the form of sci-fi short stories. This is one of their biggest entertainment projects ever and ANYONE can enter! 1st Place – The 1st place winner will be a part of an international online writing project 2nd Place - $75 Amazon gift card 3rd Place - $75 Amaz... Read more...
Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 9:23am
Book Previews
- 18 Members
- 15 Posts
- Public Group
Anyone who's working on a book but don't have it up yet is welcomed to post up a kind of preview.... Like post up character bios or give bits and pieces of the book kind of like what movie previews do before the movie comes out.... Don't give up a lot of info though like nothing too important and plea... Read more...
Latest Post: December 21, 2018, 7:59pm
Fantasy and Science Fiction
- 2,006 Members
- 1,182 Post
- Public Group
Haven for readers and writers of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Enter if you dare...
Latest Post: January 19, 2022, 10:16am