♣ Ordinarily Obscure ♣’s Favorites

Beyond Our Skies
Christin P. Plangger Beyond Our Skies
  • Short Story
  • English
  • 1892 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 321
  • 5

This is a story about love and life, written with the hands of a little girl. This is a story seen through the eyes of a child. This is a story about two sisters and why they will never be alone.

Two skies hang high above our tiny heads, changing once a day. But far... Read more...

For Free

Katie S Deathseer
  • Romance
  • English
  • 704 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 1130
  • 48

Keira is a death seer the picture or body of a dead person plants the image of how they died in her mind. She was born a death seer so that gave away any chance of being a normal female. Even if she wasn't a death seer she was mated to the alpha werewolf of the ultimate... Read more...

Keywords: werewolf, mates, romance, seer, magic

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Child Of The Forest
Judy Colella Child Of The Forest

Book I

  • Fiction
  • English
  • 21727 Words
  • Ages 12 and up
  • 1070
  • 16

This work of Fan Fiction follows the life of Link, a boy left in the Kokiri Forest to be raised by its forest folk under the protection and auspices of The Great Deku Tree. This boy has a great destiny to fulfill, one that represents the only hope for Hyrule's future.

The... Read more...

Keywords: Link, Ocarina, Navi, Nintendo, Games

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The Purge
Carmelo Faria The Purge
  • Fantasy
  • English
  • 612 Words
  • Ages 6 and up
  • 1152
  • 3

This is chapter one of what I may consider to expand upon. May sound corny but the inspiration came from a dream. Tell me what you think and if you want to see more.

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Creeping Upon You
M.E. Creeping Upon You
  • Poetry
  • English
  • 29 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 425
  • 1

A very short poem that means a thousand words that means much, much more than a thousand words to me. Something that I try to think about everyday.

Keywords: Life, poetry, truth, creepy

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Eternal Love
Ana Belle Eternal Love

I know what you are...

  • Poetry
  • English
  • 551 Words
  • Ages 12 and up
  • 408
  • 2

This poem I wrote about two years ago, for my English homework. It was supposed to be horror, but I couldn't just let my character die, so I mixed some romance in here as well. Here's what came out of it. Hope you enjoy.

Keywords: horror, poem, love, vampire, darkness, kiss, eternity, romance, suspence, enternal love, infinity, passion

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The Guide to Perfect Blogging
Bethan Rees The Guide to Perfect Blogging
  • Technology & Engineering
  • English
  • 733 Words
  • Ages 12 and up
  • 845
  • 11

I have blogs of my own, and I know many people ask 'How do I run a blog?'

This will show you how to write lovely blog posts, and show the do's and don'ts.

Your blog will flourish!

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Delaney Knight Runaway
  • Fiction
  • English
  • 8804 Words
  • Ages 16 and up
  • 575
  • 3

The town of Montague Falls was shaken by the disappearance of Beth Wilkes, and it seems the only way to find her is through her childhood friend Clay, who was also the reason she left. Through memories of their painful adolescence, Clay begins to realize how important it is to find Beth.

Keywords: coming of age, teen, runaway, run away, relationship, relationships, kids, growing up, mistake, mistakes, adolescence

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Suffered Dreams
Jocelyn Tsui Suffered Dreams
  • Poetry
  • English
  • 940 Words
  • Ages 8 and up
  • 327
  • 1

This book has several poems expressing what might be for many children who suffer pain and torture dreams. Such as to hope for a better place other than a place of agony or misery.

Keywords: Dreams, Pain, Suffer, Hopes, Poem

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Eco-Perfect Characters
T.O. & M.E. Eco-Perfect Characters
  • Fiction
  • English
  • 2 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 347
  • 4

If you liked reading "Eco-Perfect" and wanted to know what the characters looked like then you have to check this out! This contains photo and names of the main characters in "Eco-Perfect".

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