♣ Ordinarily Obscure ♣
♣ Ordinarily Obscure ♣
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Jede Jahreszeit hat ihre ganz eigenen Schönheiten, Inspirationen und Besonderheiten aller Art.
So hat auch jedes geschriebene Wort und jeder Pinselstrich seine eigene Schönheit.
Diese Schönheit lässt sich vereinen und wir sind in Begriff, genau dies zu tun!
Lasst auch ihr euch von der Schönheit eurer Umgebung inspirieren und wollt ihr sie in euren Werken einfangen? Dann seid ihr bei uns genau richtig!
Wir schreiben, malen &... Show more

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Hey P.D! i just wanted to say how much i love your your books. Thier refreshing, and give me ideas for my story (don't worry im not ganna copy you:P) also i want to say congratz on the group Tragedy, it seems like it's becoming a great success. And i'm borin u rite? LOL, any way i just wanted to shout u out, cuz ur 1 of the nices ppl on here.


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♣ Ordinarily Obscure ♣

<3 Thank You! <3

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Thanks for the heart on Untitled!
Your covers look really neat, I think I might try and read one of your stories :D

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I am very touched that you liked my story: The Happiness Project. I am still writing it. What do you like about it or the character? I can't wait to read some of your stories.

♣ Ordinarily Obscure ♣

I like that it is very original. All books now either contain vampire/werewolf or porn. It is horrible. I am usually not a fan of reading memoirs, but yours was so good!


I know! That is why I wanted to just create an original character...just talking about thing that do happen in reality. I don't read vampire/werewolf stories because they can all be very lame. :( If someone can prove me wrong...please do it. What did you like about the memories,... Show more

♣ Ordinarily Obscure ♣

I love how you talked about being the hero in Snow White but yet she still takes the comb and apple. You wished you were the hero when your dad throught your sister against the porch. It was very touching. You should write more stories like that!

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hey! Thanks for accepting my request, you seem like a really cool person:-) Any way thanks for liking my book so much I wasn't really sure about it before but since you like it I'll continue. Thanks again and maybe we could become good friends:-)


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