WolfoftheNight’s Friends



  • English

I'm just a girl who loves reading novels. But when it comes to writing i seem to be a lil handicapped. :D



  • English
  • 1 Book
  • 14

i am the crazy person in the group i have two little dogs(sam and dalilah)i love to sing i am so sorry if i am rude. i have mood swings and i can be B***h somtimes just ignore me but if you are rude you asked for itlollike im REALY CRAZY REEEAAAALY CRAAAAAAAZY oh!!!!!!!!!!!!  i forgot im black. ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • 27 years
  • English


  • English
  • 1 Book
  • 8

hi, bye.   the weeknd, atl, halsey, bea miller, n.h, h.s, m.c, l.h sushi, rain, + winter

BubblyUnicorn ^~^

BubblyUnicorn ^~^

  • English
  • 3 Books
  • 15

One beautiful heart is better than a thousand beautiful faces.   Anybody can love your looks, but its your heart and personality that makes someone want to stay with you.    hai, if you want to get to know me message me. c: i Promise not to bite.

Charity Is The Bae

Charity Is The Bae

  • 26 years
  • English
  • 6

I am dating He is my Baby  



  • German

Manchmal liest man ein Buch, und es erfüllt einen mit diesem seltsamen Missionsbetrieb, und du bist überzeugt, dass die kaputte Welt nur geheilt werden kann, wenn alle Menschen dieser Erde dieses eine Buch gelesen haben.~John GreenWie auch alle anderen hier, liebe ich es zu lesen und eigene Geschichten zu... Read more...



  • English
  • 14 Books
  • 2749
Yin Southpaw

Yin Southpaw

  • 29 years
  • English
  • 1 Book
  • 3


  • English
  • 3 Books
  • 45

My name's Mike, i also get called Nii-chan by some of my closer friends. im kinda quiet, i tend to be more in the background of groups, and i love all things dark, twisted, and evil. i have a pretty messed up taste in music, so if you should go on my ipod at any given time you'd find dubstep, screamo, vocaloids,... Read more...

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