NITIN’s Friends
Michael In The Bathroom At A Party
- 24 years
- English
- 2 Books
I’m just Irene...who’s a loner, so she must be a stoner....rides a BT Cruser, god, she’s such a loser....Irene in the Bathroom by herself.....all by herself...and all you know about her is her name. Awesome party, I’m so glad came...
- English
- 15
Be who you want to be and don't care about what others think. Sport and books are my life.
- English
- 1 Book
- 18
Hey everyone you can call me Emmy. I love to write and want nothing more but to share it with the world. I hope you all like my content and follow my journey as a young writer!
- German
- 6 Books
- 15
Hi*-* Ich heiße Anthea, wie der Benutzername schon sagt und bin leidenschaftliche Vegetariarin: Also kommt mir ja nicht mit Fleisch ihr Lieben! ^.^ Ich lese sehr gerne, aber vorallem Fantasy Bücher (keine Vampire). Über Kommentare und Herzchen freue ich mich immer, auch Kritik finde ich immer gut- also bloß her damit *-* lg, Anthea12
James Weymar
- German
Hi, I'm James. I'm a writer commuting between Edinburgh and Berlin, if I'm not traveling aroung the world. Every night, I wake up with a new idea for a horror story. Unfortunately I can't write fast enough to bring them all to paper. I like to do yoga to free my mind. Ever tried it? Ihr könnt mir auch auf Deutsch schreiben ;)