pearl27’s Favorites
- Fiction
- English
- 568 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 426
- 7
The second part to Bella Swan's diary. This one picks up where Bella left off in her last diary. Edward is back with his family Bella is a vampire and Edward is acting like a jerk.
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A Rénesmée Cullen FanFiction
- Fantasy
- English
- 3106 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 2325
- 80
We all know that Jacob Black imprinted on Rénesmée Cullen, but what if she doesn't feel the same way?
Keywords: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Cullen, Jacob Black, Rénesmée, Cullen
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- Fiction
- English
- 3494 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1613
- 55
When Edward left Bella he left her broken. Jacob was the one to put her back together again. But in this story Edward doesn't come back until years later. When he finally does come back he comes back to a married Bella who is also now a vampire. Now Bella has to face the... Read more...
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for naruto fans
- Humor
- English
- 540 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1041
- 4
For Free
- Fiction
- English
- 6206 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 885
- 20
They said that there was an ancient vampire prophecy. It went something like this: There will come one vampire who will be loved by two of her kind. She will be so powerful that none can destroy her. Vampires will fear her; humans will name her their new found savior. All... Read more...
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A Twilight Fan Fiction
- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 8255 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1077
- 39
Jane of the Volturi questions the path she has taken. (Note- This is after all of the books written)
Keywords: Jane, Twilight Saga
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- Fantasy
- English
- 1723 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 443
- 7
what would you do if youre sister was bella swan this is after the fight with the volturi and then what if a vampire named ethan and a werwolf named seth both fall in love with you? well actually seth imprints on you.
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The Twilight Saga Continued: Renesmee's Love Story
- Fantasy
- English
- 4255 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 2400
- 125
Renesmee is a not your normal fourteen year old girl. For one, she's in love with a wolf boy who, at some point in time, loved her mother, Bella. Her parents are immortal. Oh, and she also happens to be a Halfling (her word for a part human part vampire hybrid). After her... Read more...
Keywords: Vampire, Suspense, Werewolf, Shape Shifter, Love, Imprinting, Fun, Running, Cullens, Edward, Bella, Forks Washington, Renesmee, Nessie, Jacob, Jacob Black, Killings, Blood
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- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 1833 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 463
- 4
FF | Intrigue or truth? Bella and Edward fight for their love
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what happens when bella goes crazy
- Humor
- English
- 182 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 531
- 9
when the cullens go crazy (edward and the other cullens are human)
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