TwistedTaylor’s Friends
Principessa di Bitches
- English
Questo è il mio campo, non portare cazzate inutili al mio profilo ... femmine
- English
A newbie into the world of reading books . Hope to have a good knowledge out of the books and love making good friends ...And attracted to humour stuff. And .....yeah am presently focussed towards my carrer in finance ..and single too ...
- English
Hi to everyone, thankyou for checking out my profile I'm Anil vishwakrma and I like to read thriller, crime, love triangle, cheating,erotic books. I enjoy reading lots of books on Bookrix. Do you have any recomendations?
- English
Visible to Invisible and Invisible to visible, hard to understand me and i understands hard.
The Lost Warrior
- 26 years
- English
I'm 5'10 guy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I am an asshole who doesn't deserve happiness I'm a dumbass who always fucks up I am just everything bad
Emilia Swan
- German
- 1 Book
- 15
Tja ... einige fragen sich mit Sicherheit, wer ich bin und was ich in meiner Freizeit so mache. Natürlich schreibe ich für mein Leben gerne - das habt ihr mit Sicherheit schon erraten. Und ich liebe gute Geschichten. Es gibt nichts Schöneres, als ein gutes Buch, eine Tasse Kaffee und die Decke auf der Couch. Man... Read more...