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Books (3)
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Hey! :D thanks for commenting on The Countdown! Just thought I'd let you know that I uploaded the next chapter, because you asked me to keep you posted :)

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thank you

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Thank you for the kind comments and the interest in my books! It's always so nice to hear my work is admired. It inspires me to write more! Thanks again. -Jess

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Thanks for adding 'Not so prince charming' to your favorites.

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Thank you so much for being the first to add my new book 'Mine!' to your favourites! ^^ xxx

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Deleted User

Thanks for adding 'Daddy's Little Girl' to your favorites.

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Thank You for adding 'The Silver Wolf's Dirty Little Secrets' to your favorites xD <3

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Merci for the heart mon ami
what dd you think???
Did you have a fav part???
do you have any critisim, good or bad, its always healthy to hear negatives about your work along with praise LoL
thanks again

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