Hannah Moore :)’s Friends
alice haze
- English
- 1 Book
- 23
I love writing and reading. So if you guys want me to read your books, feel free to ask me. And if you have any ideas of what should I write, do please tell me as I'm suck at imagination but still love writing anyway. Teehee... ^__^
- 24 years
- English
- 2 Books
- 8
i like drawing i have Dark brown hair uh i have Green brown brown eyes. And i like drawing and reading and daydreaming. oh and i write songs but i dont like to sing them,i also uh*blushes*write poetry Oh some qucikey mottos for you guys and girls 1)Life is not a comic book 2) If you dont like the past try to... Read more...
- 27 years
- English
- 1 Book
- 9
About me, well that would take years to explain so you'll have to get to know me. So heres the basics i am a very talented drawer, i love to read books don't matter what kind. I like to skateboard and listen to music. My favorite band is Skillet. i don't like it when women or girls are HURT, INSULTED or... Read more...
- English
- 1 Book
- 1
What's not to tell? Almost everyone likes me. I'm either a bad girl or a good girl, depending on who you ask. My style is the best. I love cats, dogs, zebras, and giraffes! My fave colors of all time are pink and black.
- English
- 2 Books
- 9
I am a 13 year old brony and if anyone says they hate mlp i will... never mind. I like mlp dragonball z legend of zelda attack on titan pokemon digimon blue exercist suprcalifragilisticexpialadoushous friends greenday braingames going deep and paper mario THE HUNGER GAMES ARE THE BEST BOOK SERIES I READ SO... Read more...